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Arcadia Local Schools
Cornerstone of Our Community
Preparing All Students for Life
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Grade Card
NCAA Clearinghouse
Arcadia Athletics
High School Girls' Sports
High School Boys' Sports
Middle School Girls' Sports
Middle School Boys' Sports
History of the BVC
OHSAA State Records
Arcadia's Athletic Hall of Fame Page
Arcadia Athletic Association
Coach and Athlete Information
Alma Mater
Fight Song
NCAA Clearinghouse
Any student at Arcadia Local School, who wishes to participate in athletics at a Division I or II college institution, must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse before graduating from Arcadia Local School. Documents that need to be submitted can be found on the
NCAA Clearinghouse web site
.* See your high school guidance counselor for more information.
To see the list of approved courses for Arcadia Local School, go to the
NCAA Clearinghouse web site
.* See your high school guidance counselor for more information.
NCAA legislation permits a student to receive credit for a core course only one time. As a result, if a student repeats a core course, the student will only receive credit once for the core course and the highest grade earned in the course will be included in the calculation of the student's core-course grade-point average. Likewise, if a student completes a course that is duplicative with another core course, the student will only receive credit once for the core course and the highest grade earned in the course will be included in the calculation of the student's core-course grade-point average.
See your high school guidance counselor for more information.
*"By clicking on these links, you will be leaving the Arcadia Local Schools' website. These links are independently managed World Wide Websites and are not affiliated with Arcadia Local Schools. While every effort has been made to evaluate the sites to which we link, we cannot control the content that may appear on these sites or on related links. Please be advised that you are leaving the official Arcadia Local Schools website and materials found on these associated links are not approved or sanctioned by the school system."