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Arcadia Local Schools

Cornerstone of Our Community
Preparing All Students for Life

Music Boosters

The Arcadia Music Boosters will support the music department at Arcadia Local Schools through funding of instruments and equipment when district monies may not always be available. The Arcadia Music Boosters operate in a student first environment, where the monies raised are to be spent to benefit the music students at Arcadia Local School. The objective of this organization is to provide incremental funds for K-12 music programs. These incremental funds are intended to allow the school to support music programs at a higher level than would otherwise be possible without outside financial support.  
Check the FUNDRAISER page for info on current fundraisers! 
2023-2024 Officers
President -
  Christi Wolph
Vice-President - Prudy Prescott
Treasurer - Arlene McCarty
Secretary - Bethany Sprow

Next Meeting:

February 12, 2023
Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm, in the High School Art Room.